Muesli riche en protéines (23% de protéines) et gourmand avec ses éclats de noix de cajou et d'amandes.
Faible en sucres : 2 g de sucres pour 100 g
Avoine et soja origine France
Céréales complètes
100% végétal
Liste d’ingrédients courte
Mode d’emploi :
À verser dans un bol avec du lait ou une boisson végétale, pour le petit-déjeuner ou le goûter.
Ingrédients : Flocons de soja*35 %, flocons d’avoine*, flocons de seigle*, noix de cajou en éclats* 6%, amandes en éclats* 4%, graines de tournesol*, billettes de riz*.
*Ingrédients issus de l’agriculture bio. Peut contenir des traces d’autres fruits à coque et de lait.
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Energie : 1717 kJ / 411 kcal
Matières grasses : 17 g (dont acides gras saturés : 2,5 g)
Glucides : 35 g (dont sucres : 2 g)
Fibres alimentaires : 13 g
Protéines : 23 g
Sel : 0,05 g
100% Végétal:Oui
Format:325g, 800g, 5kg
Useful and tasty ? _ This is exactly about the mixture of flakes of 7 types of TM "TERRA" cereals. They can be used as a side dish to a meat dish or as an independent dish with the addition of butter or olive oil
Dips,Sesampaste, Tahini, Tahin, Tahina, Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, werden zu einer nährstoffreichen und gesunden Paste verarbeitet.
Dips, Genießen Sie die Vielfalt der mediterranen und orientalischen Aromen mit unseren exquisiten Dips von SoleilFOOD!
Unsere geröstete Auberginenpaste fängt den authentischen Geschmack der mediterranen Küche ein. Auberginen, reich an Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, werden zu einer nährstoffreichen und gesunden Paste verarbeitet. Ideal als Dip für Gemüsesticks oder als schmackhafte Zutat in zahlreichen Gerichten.
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der orientalischen Köstlichkeiten mit unserer Sesampaste (Tahina). Aus reinem und geröstetem Sesam hergestellt, ist Tahina nicht nur vitaminreich, sondern auch eine geschätzte Hauptzutat für Hummus und eine delikate Beilage zu Fleisch-, Fischgerichten und Salaten. Die Vielseitigkeit von Tahina zeigt sich auch als Dip, Dressing oder leckerer Brotaufstrich.
Die weißen süßen Kokoswürfel sind unglaublich flexibel einsetzbar. Ob im Müsli, im Porridge, oder der Bowl. Als süßes Topping im Salat, oder zum Knabbern. Probiere es aus und lass dich überraschen.
Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel.
"Oatmeal Organic
Oatmeal comes from the oat plant (Avena sativa). The plant is about 1.2 meters high. Oats are native to Southeastern Europe and Southeast Asia and it is a cereal grown since 7000 BC. Oatmeal contains many carbohydrates and protein and is therefore a widely used product in the preparation of a breakfast.
Production process of oats
After harvesting, the oat grain first washed and stripped of the husk, these outer bracts of the grain are not edible. Then the grains are heated and cut into pieces. The cut pieces are then combined and form the oatmeal.
Healthy characteristics of oatmeal
Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber and have a beneficial effect on the intestines. In addition, oatmeal contains many slow carbohydrates, which ensure that the body longer experience energy and blood sugar remains stable. Finally, oatmeal also ensures that you are less likely to get hungry, because the body is satiated for longer."
Instant oatmeal with flax seeds. Flax, which is part of it, contains three types of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega3, Omega6 and Omega9), the right balance of which is necessary for all vital processes of the human body. Contains gluten. May contain traces of mustard.
Size:65*90*170 mm
WEIGHT:500 g
Oats - valuable for their high pectin and fiber content. Strengthens the cardiovascular system and normalizes the heart rate, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and improves immunity.
- Jerusalem artichoke - rich in dietary fiber, has a hypoglycemic ability due to the content of inulin. It removes radionuclides, toxins and salts from the body.
"Bran is an excellent source of fiber."
shelf life :12 month
packaging:12 pcs/ 4.2 KG /box
This organic almond flour is made from dried and blanched almonds. It spoils you with a pleasant scent and a lovely aromatic taste. Ideal for baking, cooking or refining muesli, porridge, smoothies & desserts.Organic almond flour is very suitable for cooking, baking and preparing desserts. The fine note of the organic almond flour gives your food a pleasant aroma and also sets tempting accents in mueslis, desserts or smoothies. Thanks to the fiber it contains, organic almond flour can absorb a lot of liquid. It binds sauces excellently and refines a variety of recipes for a varied diet. When baking, about 20-25% of the grain flour can be replaced with organic almond flour.
This product is a controlled organic food according to DE-ÖKO-006.
country of processing:Germany
packaging:11,34 kg carton/40 cartons per PAL
Nos gourdes à base de Beurre de cacahuètes.
Idéal pour faire le plein d’énergie : goûter, randonnée… un snack sain !
DDM:12 mois
Poids Net:50g
The pancakes you can make with this mixture are both delicious and healthy. The flour mixture is specially designed for the quick preparation of traditional pancakes of Russian national cuisine. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries.
Weight:600 g
Onctueux Sorbet bio à l'ananas garantie Plein Fruit. Élaboré avec des ingrédients bio de qualité dans un pot de 500ml, 100% biodégradable, compostable et certifié sans plastique.
We are one of the leading merchants of grains and oilseeds, we connects producers and users of grains and oilseeds
around the globe. We operate on an integrated global basis to source, store, trade, process and distribute grains and
oilseeds including wheat, corn, oilseeds, barley and sorghum, as well as vegetable oils and meals.
We have a broad global presence in grain origination, shipping and processing, offering a range of farmer
services and risk management solutions, and have significant expertise in handling identity preserved and
differentiated products.
For more information do get back to us .
Riche en protéines (25%)
Riche en fibres
Croquant et gourmand
Chocolat noir de qualité couverture (cacao : 57% min.), fèves de cacao origine République Dominicaine
Recette vegan
Au sucre de coco
Liste d’ingrédients courte
Mode d’emploi
Pour un petit-déjeuner ou un goûter protéiné, à savourer en mélangeant avec du lait/boisson végétale dans un bol, ou en topping sur du fromage blanc.
Ingrédients : Flocons de soja*, flocons d’avoine*, flocons de seigle*, éclats de chocolat noir *8% (masse de cacao*, sucre pure canne*, beurre de cacao*, vanille en poudre*), sucre de coco*, graines de tournesol*, huile de coco*.
*Ingrédients issus de l’agriculture bio. Peut contenir des traces de fruits à coque, lait.
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Energie : 1784 kJ / 428 kcal
Matières grasses : 21 g (dont acides gras saturés : 7,5 g)
Glucides : 28 g (donc sucres : 12 g)
Fibres alimentaires : 14 g
Protéines : 25 g
Sel : 0,05 g
Die “runden Chips” sind ein toller Knabberspaß. Sie sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Die perfekte Wahl für Nussallergiker. Snack it!
100% Frucht! Mischung aus gefriergetrockneten und gemahlenen Erdbeeren, Kulturheidelbeeren, Sauerkirschen & Bananen.
Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel.
Für 100 g Der Klassiker werden bis zu 900 g frische Früchte benötigt.
Diese unscheinbaren kleinen grauen Samen stecken voller Power. Unsere gerösteten Sonnenblumenkerne sind eine ideale pflanzliche Eiweißquelle. Mit ihrem leicht nussigen Geschmack sind sie ideal als Topping für Salate oder man snackt sie einfach zwischendurch.
"History and Origin of Quinoa
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is native to South America and has been grown as the main food crop since 6000 years ago. Quinoa was already used by the Incas as a field product. The plant is able to grow under cold, nutrient-poor and dry conditions. The growth period is about 5-6 months.
Through crossbreeding, quinoa varieties have been created which can grow in European and North American conditions. In the first half of April the quinoa is sown in Europe and the harvest takes place from mid-September.
Production Process Quinoa Flakes
After harvest, the quinoa is first cleaned. Then the quinoa is washed to remove the saponin. Then it is dried and the best pieces will be selected by hand. These pieces are soaked to flatten the quinoa. After drying, the quinoa is sieved and then processed into quinoa flakes.
Healthy properties Quinoa Flakes
<Quinoa flakes are rich in vitamins B2, E, iron, copper and magnesium. Quino…"
Wholegrain oat flakes (traditional require cooking). The technology of double steaming of grain allows to reduce heat treatment of raw materials, which provides flakes with the best organoleptic characteristics. You can add favorite fruits and berries, honey or chocolate everything depends on imagination. Cook for 57 minutes.
Size:70*130*240 mm
WEIGHT:500 g
Soy milk may be used as a substitute for dairy milk by individuals who are vegan or lactose intolerant.
Weight:0.5 L/1L
Shelf life :12 month
Packaging:12 pcs/12 kg/box